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About Us

AZ Independents for Harris (393x300).png
AZ Conservatives for Harris (393x300).png
AZ Moderates for Harris (393x300).png

Who We Are


In 2020, we placed thousands of signs throughout Arizona, particularly in Maricopa County, and thousands of Arizonans saw our electronic billboards. According to articles in The New York Times, Politico, The Arizona Republic and others, our efforts made a difference in our great state and the nation as a whole. Biden won! Our coalition of Republican, Independent, and Moderate voters helped put Biden over the top.


​As important as this was in 2020, it is even more important now. Many feel disenfranchised and disillusioned by Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. We offer a place of integrity and camaraderie for those who hold similar convictions but may have felt uncomfortable voicing their opinions in this political climate. You are not alone and you are welcome here, regardless of background, race, sexuality, or belief. In our experience, your voice and support can tip the scales, and it can enable others to find their voices as well.

Voting for Kamala Harris in November is both justifiable and imperative to maintain the democracy our Founders fought to create. 

Please, don’t sit this one out.

Why are you supporting
Kamala Harris? 

Why We Started


The PAC started in July 2020 with this statement from the Co-Founders:


We love our country and are deeply concerned with the direction it is taking. We understand the importance of determining which party will be in power. But, we are most concerned about which person will be in power.  


What is the moral character of that person? Is he truthful? How does he treat people? Does he acknowledge differences and treat others with respect? Is there an effort to be inclusive? Do we want our children and grandchildren to be like that person?


Answering these questions, despite being lifelong Republicans—with no love for certain portions of the Democratic party platform—we will be voting for Joe Biden in November. 

Judge Daniel A. Barker, Ret.

Nan Barker

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